


The processing-speed theory of adult age differences in cognition. Salthouse, T. A. Psychological Review, 1996, 3, 403-428. 作動記憶課題(保持・処理を同時に要求する課題)の遂行に処理速度が関与する.そのため,処理速度の要因を統制することで…

Gap filling and end-of-sentence effects in real-time language processing: Imprications for modeling sentence comprehention in aphasia.Balogh, Zurif, Prather, Swinney, & Finkel, 1998, 61, 169-182.文末効果(end-of-sentence effect:オンライン…

Elementary models for measuring change.Lord, F. M. 1965, in C. W. Harris (Ed.), Problems in measuring change (pp. 21-38). Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.(反応時間差のような)得点差の信頼性・妥当性への疑問----------------------…